There are thousands of viral infections. Most of them will be handled by the immunity system. Some are more persistent or have mild to serious symptoms. Several will return year after year (HSV or Cold sores) other can persist so long they cause cancer (HPV or Papilloma) and others indirectly kill older patients (Influenza or even common cold, turning into Pneumonia) There are no effective anti-virals that can de-activate these viruses.
Cesa has designed two Omni-spectrum anti-viral drugs that deactivate viruses outside the cells preventing the virus entering the host cells. Because of this feature, viral replication of nearly all viruses can be blocked without the patient experiencing any form of noticeable side effects. Added advantage is that the components used to manufacture are already all FDA Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS). This will increase the chances of OMNIVIROL being approved in a relative short period of time.
Several Placebo controlled Phase I/II and II/III Clinical trials on HSV – Cold sores and HPV – Human papilloma virus which causes cervical cancer have confirmed the safety and efficacy of OMNIVIROL. Other Observational trials confirm that not a single virus including COVID19 is resistant to OMNIVIROL deactivating properties.