” OMNIVIROL will cut US Health Cost in half in less than 2 years “

10Seconds an innocent human dies from a Viral infection that could be prevented by OMNIVIROL


For over 25 years our Cesa’s world-wide collaboration of Universities, Laboratories, independent doctors and researchers has successfully developed a wide range of Omni spectrum anti-microbials and anti-inflammatories.


Historically Molecules that treat medical conditions are not designed, they are discovered. Mostly they are isolated from existing natural substances so they can be patented. In some cases, e.g. aspirin they are slightly modified to minimize side effects. Cesa Alliance molecules are not discovered; they are actually designed from scratch based on a blue print generated by extensive analyses of the frequency signature of the target.
Years of research and close collaboration of researchers all over the planet were the basis of the design and development of 3 major OMNI spectrum anti-microbials , OMNIVIROL an OMNI spectrum antiviral proven to be effective against All viruses, RNA. DNA enveloped and non-enveloped, so obviously and proven against Covid-19. Further OMNIBACTERIOL an OMNI spectrum antibacterial OMNIPARACITOL an OMNI spectrum anti parasite. Additionally, the RELUMINOL molecule was designed and developed to treat and cure neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s, MS and Parkinson.




Herpes Simplex : 3 topical applications stops cold sores within 6 hours

Papilloma Virus : 3 x 2 applications results in warts disappearance in 3 weeks

COVID-19 : 5 Sublingual tablets stops stops viral replication within 2 hours

Hepatitis B/C : 4 week treatment sublingual tablets clears the virus from the body

HPV Cervical : One topical application on Cervix – stops viral replication and starts lesion clearance.


Deactivation of over 300 virus types have been patented of which 24 have been studied and are ready for further Clinical Trials

Numbers Don't LieWhat does OMNI spectrum mean?

Rather than commonly known Broad Spectrum drugs, Advanced detection techniques has enabled us to target one common nominator of each of the 3 causes of infectious diseases. So although there may be only a few hundred common diseases we should focus on, Cesa’s 3 Molecules can save us from an extremely wide range of microbial diseases. These molecules are really OMNI spectrum drugs.

32000Virus Types
150000Parasite Species
9300Bacteria Species
3OMNI Spectrum Molecules


Rather than looking for solutions in traditional closed and highly structured and controlled private organizations, Cesa’s collaborators roam around the world looking for ideas and answers, highly advanced techniques sometimes based on ancient old wisdom. We are an Alliance in the broadest sense, giving us unlimited access to knowledge and experience.

Who We Are?

Cesa Alliance is an International collaboration of Universities, Laboratories, Independent Doctors and researchers.

What We Do?

Cesa Alliance Discovers, Develops and Synthesizes OMNI spectrum anti- infectives and anti-inflammatories. We organize Safety studies and Observational efficacy studies in order to apply for worldwide patents. Further we organize Placebo Controlled Clinic Trials and prepare the documentation for our medical solutions to be presented to FDA and EMEA for registration.

What We Offer?

We have created 3 OMNI spectrum anti- infectives. OMNIBACTERIOL an OMNI spectrum anti-bacterial, OMNIVIROL an OMNI spectrum Anti-viral and OMNIPARACITOL an OMNI spectrum Anti-parasite. Further we developed a molecule RELUMINOL for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Over 250 worldwide patents have been granted and hundreds more are in the pipe line.